World Nutella Day, 5 February 2014, is the official holiday of ORIGINS ITALY! We are celebrating Italy’s favorite hazelnut-chocolate spread today with other Italians around the world. How can you show your love for Nutella today? Here are some suggestions:
2. BALLATE! Go ahead, dance! If Nutella makes you happy, express it through some traditional Italian soft shoe. If you don’t know any Italian dances, then just move to the music!
3. FATE OPERE D’ARTE! Express your love for Italy’s favorite spread by creating artwork. Please send us photos!
4. DITELA AI VOSTRI AMICI! Tell your friends about World Nutella Day and how much they are missing out if they haven’t tried Italy’s famous treat–Nutella!
5. AVETE UNA FESTA! Throw a party to celebrate World Nutella Day!!!
I hope your celebration is delicious. Today and everyday is a great day to be Italian.
Happy World Nutella Day from ORIGINS ITALY!
-Mary M. Tedesco