Tag: Noni

Listen in as ORIGINS ITALY’s Mary M. Tedesco chats about Italian food, memories, and of course Italian genealogy! Special thanks to Lora @ Savoring Italy for the invitation to be on the”Due Parole” podcast. Click here to listen to the “Due Parole” featuring Mary M. Tedesco!

(Click here to read “Retracing Noni’s Footsteps – Part 1”) (Click here to read “Retracing Noni’s Footsteps – Part 2”) Italian family history research is about remembering and researching the stories of generations who came before us. It has been honor to tell you my grandmother Noni’s story over the past several weeks. This is story of my Italian family. Noni has influenced me in many ways, especially in my desire to pursue Italian genealogy as a profession. I am…