Tag: italian americans

“The Italian Americans” aired nationally on PBS on Tuesday, February 17, 2015, from 9-11 PM ET and Tuesday, February 24, 2015, from 9-11 PM ET. Since nearly 16 million Americans can trace their roots back to Italy, there is a natural curiosity among many about the “old country” and about the struggles our ancestors endured to make a better life for us in the USA. The series triggered emotions including a combination of nostalgia, pride and desire to learn more about…

The first two episodes of the “The Italian Americans” aired nationally on PBS on Tuesday, February 17, 2015, from 9-11 PM ET. “The Italian Americans” is an exceptional series and highly recommend viewing for both Italian-Americans and those with an interest in culture, heritage and history in the United States. Watching this series will tug at the heartstrings of descendants of immigrants of all nationalities. THE ITALIAN AMERICANS: La Famiglia (1890-1910) — Click here to watch the full episode online. A brief history…