Italian Family History Research as a Passion and Profession | ORIGINS ITALY

There is no question that I love Italy.  Nothing makes me happier than stepping off the plane and onto the eternal streets of Italy.  The history, the culture, the language, the people and, of course, the wonderful food make my visits full of life and enchantment.  I hope to share my excitement with many of you.

My enthusiasm for Italian Family History research is part nostalgia, part curiosity and part insanity.  I’d rather be in the arcane basement of an Italian Cathedral, or in the research room of an obscure municipal archive than anywhere else.  Even when I am doing research for others I often feel warmly proud of my own Italian roots. The depth and breadth of Italian heritage and their immeasurable contributions to history and civilization is endlessly captivating to me. It’s all there, right in front of you!

I look forward to telling you stories about my travels and experiences, and to helping you discover the incredibly beautiful world of the Italians.  It is my sincere hope that you will enjoy following me on this journey of discovery that has become both my passion and my occupation.

-Mary M. Tedesco, ORIGINS ITALY.

Why I love Tuscany